Welcome to the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance of the Lehigh Valley!
We are a chapter of the National Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance.
Our Vision
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) envisions wellness for people living with mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder).
Our Mission
DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders.
Allentown Meetings:
First Presbyterian Church3231 Tilghman Street
Allentown, PA, 18104
In Person: Every Wednesday 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
inside the church starting in room 115
Please contact our Secretary & Communications Coordinator, Kristen Vogt,
at DBSALehighValley@gmail.com to be put on our
email list to stay up to date about
meetings, current events within DBSA-LV,
outreach, facilitator trainings, and more!
Friends and families are welcome!
As our Wednesday night meetings are geared towards adults,
please be sure all participants are 18 or older.
Thank you.

(L to R) Former President, Paul Heydt, III. Vice President, Terri Eder.
Secretary, Kristen Vogt. Treasurer, June Walker.
Any Questions or Concerns About the Website
should be directed to DBSALehighValley@gmail.com