Facilitator Training Schedule 2025
Those interested in becoming facilitators meet with Dr. Palmer from 9am to 10:30 am in either room 115 or a conference room near the Commons. (To be announced prior to training.) The rest of the facilitators join the group at 10:30am and the group trainings ends at 12:00 noon.
In order to remain a facilitator, individuals commit to a minimum of two (2) Saturday morning trainings during the year and participate in the facilitation of groups a minimum of ten (10) times during the year.
Dr. Palmer will provide support and supervision to individual facilitators during group times on a least a monthly basis.
New Facilitators Meet at 9am, All Facilitators Meet from 10:30am-12:00 Noon
- Saturday, January 25th
- Saturday, March 29th
- Saturday, May, 31st
- Saturday, July 26th
- Saturday September 27th
- Saturday, December 6th